Shortcut keys for Pages are satisfyingly simple. The word processor is part of the iWork suite developed by Apple inc. in the early 2000’s. It’s a good substitute for Word if you’re a Mac user and prefer the Mac OS look and feel. We have a full list of Apple Pages shortcut keys below.
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Pages doesn’t have tons of shortcuts keys but it’s got the basics covered. Learning these hotkeys is bound to save you a lot of time, improve your workflow and in tern line your pockets.
As a word processor Pages is better to look at than its rivals and it feels easier to create clean and tidy documents. It has a simple interface and these keyboard shortcuts can make life even simpler for you. Although the program does feel and look simple (due to good design) it isn’t. You’ll see the how the list of shortcuts demonstrate functionality that you didn’t previously know existed.
Apple has an entire section of pages shortcuts on working with tables and even adding formulas, something that I thought was limited to Numbers. But no doubt those shortcuts will be valid in Numbers too and other iWork programs. Thanks to consistent design and planning by Apple. So it’s worthwhile learning these shortcuts as the knowledge will translate across other Apple programs and the operating system itself.
Even if you feel it isn’t worth learning every keyboard shortcut imagine the workout your brain is getting by learning them. You’re improving the elasticity of your brain whilst storing information that you may well find very useful and productive in the future. By keeping your brain elastic you’re improving your ability to learn and retain knowledge. Also, you’ll be staving off mental decline.
Refer to the official documentation for more info and Apple Pages shortcut keys.